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Toothache, Days Off and Online Exhibitions.

Writer's picture: Jill SkulinaJill Skulina

Updated: Mar 25, 2024

As you might have guessed from the title this week I've had toothache. Toothache like I've never had before. I managed to get a dentist appointment where there was chat of pulling it out or going in for a crown, in the end we went with antibiotics. I'm feeling so much better today and back to the dentist tomorrow for dome fun drilling. Why am I telling you about my dentist trips? Mainly because it's one of those life things that being a freelancer can allow for with no stress of taking time off or finding cover (that's the situation this week anyway). Yesterday I took the day off to watch The Boys on Amazon Prime, I do enjoy something in a superhero but this was a little different and I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far. I realised it had been quite a while since I actually took a proper day off. Other 'days off' have included watching inspirational TED talks, informative podcasts, writing emails, planning time, looking for funding, commissions, jobs, thinking up blog posts and making teapots. Yesterday I chilled out and pretended I was back in lockdown. I didn't engage with the computer, kept my work side of the brain quiet and properly relaxed into my toothachy self pity. Fortunately the dogs agreed with this course of action and snuggled up with me.

There have been moments of work interspersed in the pain, on Monday I supervised one of Dundee Ceramics Workshops committee members unloading the studio kiln, to build her confidence in using a kiln for when she gets her own. NB. Another one of my jobs is DCW technician.

Tomorrow I have the dentist trip and I plan on spending my numb mouthed afternoon filling in getting to know you questionnaire's I have been sent from other organisations, some have been pushed to the bottom of the to do list for over a year! Also might update a few online gallery profiles - long over due. On Friday I'm back in the land of jam packed costumes, packing up kit and clothing to go on set for the film Jane's working on. (Jane Petrie, the costume designer I work for will be one of my future feral freelancer interviews for you all to look forward to.)

I actually did make a teapot. It's a work in progress called Shedding.

Shedding weight

Shedding ideas

Shedding judgement

Shedding comparisons

Shedding jealousy

Shedding apologies

Shedding self criticism

Shedding playing small

Shedding expectation

I should also mention and I feel like a fool leaving this until the end but I am part of a group online exhibition starting on Saturday the 12th September 2020, which also happens to be my birthday! The exhibition is through Spilt Milk Gallery where I am a member and I think I'll do a blog post just on that next week because I really want to tell you all about Lauren who is the founder of the gallery. There is an accompanying zine you can preorder here which I also have work in.

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